Mouth of Red River, La., May 14, 1864.

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1. All officers of the Signal Corps who may be serving in or near New Orleans will, with the enlisted men under their command, proceed without delay to the mouth of Red River, and report in person to Col. Albert J. Myer, Signal Officer of the Army Officers and men will report fully equipped for service in the field.

2. Capt. W. G. Fuller, assistant quartermaster, Memphis, Tenn.. will cause to be forwarded, without delay, to the mouth of Red River, La., the field telegraph material now stored at Memphis. Tenn., as follows: Four light wagons, all reels, lances, and insulated wire formerly belonging to the trains; two Beardslee instruments, reported good, and four tool-boxes complete. The teams will be sent forward as nearly complete as possible. Captain Fuller will also forward, if the amount can be spared from his department, 20 miles light copper wire, with insulators therefor. These articles will be receipted for upon their arrival at Red River by an officer who will be designated for that purpose. The articles will be forwarded to the address of, and blank invoices (the name of the officer being omitted) will be sent to, Col. Albert J. Myer, Signal Officer of the Army, Headquarters Division of West Mississippi.

3. All signal telegraph trains that may be in or near the city of New Orleans will be forwarded without delay, with suitable material therefor, and the officers, men, and animals now serving therewith, fully equipped and in readiness for instant service in the field, to the mouth of Red River, La. The officers in charge will report in person, upon their arrival at the place, to Col. Albert J. Myer. Signal Officer of the Army. A sufficient supply of surplus material for a campaign will be furnished with each train; but no delay in the execution of this order will be permitted for this reason, as such supplies and materials will, under this order, be forwarded to follow the trains, if necessary, to the mouth of Red River, and thence upon the march, as they may be ordered.

By order of Maj. Gen. E. R. S. Canby:
Major, Assistant Adjutant-General.